Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gardening and raising money!

We went out about a week ago and weeded a family's garden to earn more money for Mexico:)

The three middle kids working hard! (Gabe, far left, Noah, middle, and Layney, far right)

Brynley, holding up a nasty weed!

Gabe (left) and Chloe (right)

$500 more dollars!!!

THAT'S IT.  Unbelievable, right?  We only need $500!!  God has blessed us INCREDIBLY!!!!  In about a month we will be on our way down to Mexico.  Please continue with your prayers:)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sorry about the long pause between posts.  Summer is busy!  Here's a quick update for those of you who want news:
We have finally set an official trip date: August 27th through September 3rd.  Joel just purchased our plane tickets last week, so there's no turning back now!  We are also almost all the way there on our goal of $6000.  This is absolutely amazing!  God has blessed us!  Thanks to all of you who have opened your homes to us with work and ways to earn money.